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doi_get (doi) [source] ¶ Get the URL where the resource pointed by the DOI is located. The DataCite EZ API was first introduced in 2017 to assist those of our Members who transitioned from the California Digital Library (CDL) EZID service. Users were able to make the same API calls they used to make to EZID, just using the DataCite endpoint instead. This was introduced as a temporary solution to support easy transition of services.

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+ 4 · Programación WEB. Evaluation of Security of ServiceWorker and Related APIs2018Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudentuppsats  From the dataset abstract. A community-curated collection of namespace prefix mappings for use in RDF applications. Features a lookup API and bulk download  THE ODIN PROJECT - . orcid and datacite interoperability network: connecting it's up to them to initiate, per the usual ORCID approval mechanics with the API. const query = createXrefQuery(conf.xrefs);. @@ -58,7 +54,6 @@ function disambiguate(data, context) {.

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Essentially, an API (or Application Programming Interface) is a way for you to interact with our services. It sits between you and the bulk of DataCite’s codebase and specifies what kinds of information you can ask for and how you should do the asking. Additional parameters can be used to query, filter and control the results returned by the DataCite API. They can be passed as normal URI parameters or as JSON in the body of the request.

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Genom ett samarbete med  Den 3-4 mars bjuder SND, SNIC och SUNET in till ett webbinarium och öppet forum för att presentera och diskutera det gemensamma API som utvecklats för  The REST API is one of the ways to access the EU Open Data Portal. Under API are available the portal core functionalities.

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The API does NOT require authentication. The ARDC DataCite Client API essentially acts as a proxy to the RESTful DataCite DOI API. Requests made to the ARDC DataCite Client API are captured and then passed on to DataCite to process. Apart from a change to the base endpoint URL your application interacts with the ARDC DataCite Client API as if it was interacting directly with the DataCite API. DataCite About. Python API wrapper for the DataCite Metadata Store API and DataCite XML generation.

Specifically, the organisation develops and supports the standards behind persistent identifiers for data, and its members assign them. Se hela listan på Se hela listan på DataCite Commons includes all 10,924,226 ORCID identifiers, and personal and employment metadata. This information is retrieved live from the ORCID REST API, the respective numbers by registration year are shown below. DataCite is a leading global non-profit organization that provides persistent identifiers (DOIs) for research data.
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Installation · Deployment · Setup · Sources · API · Rake · Alerts · Styleguide Filter by ORCID · Filter by CrossRef · Filter by DataCite · Filter by Europe PMC  tools (e.g. API-based services, taxonomic name matching, checklist by direct link to DataCite (, publishing to GBIF.

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The DataCite REST API allows any user to retrieve, query and browse DataCite DOI metadata records.

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In addition, DataCite Repositories can register DOIs and DataCite Members can manage Repositories and prefixes via the API. The API is generally RESTful and returns results in JSON, as the API follows the JSONAPI specification. The DataCite REST API allows any user to retrieve, query and browse DataCite DOI metadata records. In addition, DataCite Repositories can register DOIs and DataCite Members can manage Repositories and prefixes via the API. Find out more about how to use the REST API in our developer documentation.

In this blog post, I will present how to interface this graph using the DataCite GraphQL API with R. To illustrate it, I will visualise the research information network of a person. International Winter Wheat Improvement Program 2018 Plant Genetic Resource for Food and Agriculture International Winter Wheat Improvement Program 2011 2011 en PGRFA Datacite API test.