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Mark Scheme. January 2011. 1. 1 (i). ) B1B1 2. Each element correct. 601/4911/5 OCR. 7262.

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All A level qualifications offered by OCR are accredited by Ofqual, the Regulator for qualifications offered in England. The accreditation number for A Level in English Literature is QN: 601/4725/8. MATHEMATICS 4725 Further Pure Mathematics 1 Candidates answer on the Answer Booklet OCR Supplied Materials: •8pageAnswerBooklet •ListofFormulae(MF1) Other Materials Required: None Thursday 15 January 2009 Morning Duration: 1hour30minutes * * 4 4 … ADVANCED SUBSIDIARY GCE MATHEMATICS 4725 Further Pure Mathematics 1 QUESTION PAPER Candidates answer on the printed answer book. OCR supplied materials: MATHEMATICS 4725 Further Pure Mathematics 1 Candidates answer on the Answer Booklet OCR Supplied Materials: •8pageAnswerBooklet •ListofFormulae(MF1) Other Materials Required: None Friday 5 June 2009 Afternoon Duration: 1hour30minutes * * 4 4 7 7 2 2 5 5 * * INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES © OCR 2007 4725/01 Jan07 3 2 −3 −2 3 2 9 −7 ( − )( + ) z + z+ = + 1 2 3 n 2 Jan 2007 1 The matrices A )and B are given by A ) = (2 1 and B =(a −1 .

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I Samsung Scan Assistant finns en OCR-funktion för teckenigenkänning. 1 Kontrollera att skrivaren är ansluten till datorn och påslagen. 2 Lägg en dokumentsida  ShowHide article text ( OCR ). Hufvudstadsbladet (A .23362) 4723 4725 Massaskåp, innemska och utländska, för banker och privatbehof. 4314 P. SÉdorow  Below is the raw OCR text from the above scanned image. Do you see an 18 [2,020 2,2652,523 2,796 3,083)3,383 3,698 4,026 4,369 4,725 5JD96 5,480 137,0 50 68,50 12,7 1 1076 644 4725 80, 90 och 100g är OCR-godkända och anpassade för laser. Obestruket, slät yta, 80 och 90g är OCR-godkända.

[2] Welcome to the official Epson support site where you can find setting up, installing software, and manuals.EPSONの公式サポートサイトへようこそ!このサイトでは、セットアップ、ソフトウェアのインストール、取扱説明書、製品の活用方法、トラブル解決、動画による説明などの情報を提供しています。 4725 Mark Scheme January 2006 26 7. (a) (i) 13 (ii) - 0.59 (b) 1 2i (c) B1 M1 A1 A1 M1 A1A1 A1 B1 B1 1 3 4 2 10 Obtain correct answer, decimals OK Using tan 1 b / a, or equivalent trig allow + or - Obtain 0.59 Obtain correct answer Express LHS in Cartesian form & equate real and imaginary parts Obtain x = 1 and y = -2 Correct answer written as PCL Fonts: 93 Roman, 10 Bitmap fonts, 2 OCR fonts, Andalé Mono WT J/K/S/T (Japanese, Korean, Simplified and Traditional Chinese), 6 Barcode Fonts 7 PS Fonts: 136 Roman : OPERATING SYSTEM 8: UFRII/PS: Windows® 7/8.1/10/Server 2008/Server 2008 R2/Server 2012/Serve 2012 R2/ Server 2016/Server 2019, Mac OS X (10.10 or later) OCR 2017. H472/02 Jun17.